Supporting Mothers
A gift for Mother’s Day in support of La Casa de las Madres
Just in time for Mother’s Day, 12 Small Things has launched a new gift collection for Spring 2012, featuring fair trade gifts made by artisans around the world, including San Francisco. The FeltLink Vase Collection is created by San Franciscan resident Kate Frankel, from her home-based Roger & Hebe Studio in Noe Valley. Kate has been making clever gifts for her family and friends over the years, out of the high quality, colorful felt she buys from Germany.

Kate had been planning to sell her gifts online, but it wasn’t until she gave her felt vase holder to me as a hostess gift, that she found a place to launch her collection. Long after the guests left the party, I was still enamored with the bright green felt fabric, hugging three glass vases full of flowers and herbs that Kate had brought me. I really wanted to offer Kate’s product to my customers but needed the gift to be able to give back to the community in some way, which is a requirement for all products offered at 12 Small Things.
I asked Kate if she would consider donating a portion of the proceeds from her sales to a local nonprofit organization. Without any hesitation we both agreed on La Casa de las Madres, the only domestic violence shelter and outreach program in San Francisco that accepts victims 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. La Casa acts boldly to create a community where violence against women and children is not tolerated, through educating and redefining public perceptions about domestic violence. Their free and confidential services help transform the lives of women, teens, older adults and children, seeking refuge from the cycle of violence. Kate and I felt that donating to La Casa is particularly relevant for Mother’s Day, in support of mothers in the Bay Area and beyond. Give a gift that gives more this Mother’s Day at